This course is due to be released at the End of August, 2023
Please register interest by filling in the form below and will be in touch with an Enrolment date
Certified Better Business Analyst - Level 3
A certification aimed at those with years of experience and operating at a Senior Business Analyst Level who now want to widen their skillset across the enterprise, organisations and adjacent disciplines
- Refresher on Certified Level 1 and Level 2
- Expanding the Better Business Analyst Framework up
- Adjacent Fundamental Skills, Delivery Journey Steps & Techniques & Approaches
- Advanced Enterprise & Strategic Analysis
- Customer Insights & Data
- Design Thinking
- Lean Start-Up
- Agile Product Management
- Change Management
You need the following course materials and tools:
- Google Sheet or Excel Online/Excel
- Google Docs or Word Online/Word
- Free Access to MURAL or Miro
- Free Access to Draw.io or Visio Online/Visio
- Pen, Paper and a Camera/phone with camera