Business Analysis Training

Grow your Business Analysis Skill today with free and cost-effective, New Zealand-based certified BA Training

Business Analysis Training with Benjamen Walsh

Why Choose the Better Business Analysis Institute for Your Business Analysis Training

In the dynamic world of business, the role of a Business Analyst (BA) is pivotal. They bridge the gap between IT and business needs, ensuring that projects align with strategic goals. To excel in this role, comprehensive Business Analysis Training is essential. Among the myriad of options available, the Better Business Analysis Institute (BBA Institute)

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How Business Analysts Can Help Companies Survive a Recession

How Business Analysts Can Help Companies Survive a Recession The current financial climate has seen a recession not only in New Zealand but also overseas, leading to companies looking for ways to cut costs, restructure, and even merge to survive. Business analysts can play a crucial role in helping companies during this period by focusing

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Building a Framework for Living – Building Programmes from Strategy

We have defined our strategic objectives and now we need to look at how we are going to get after them. A lot of big businesses have a project management office that manages the programme of work for the year and have project managers, business analysis and solution architects that collectively work on a project

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Strategic Objectives & Vision

Giving Life Direction – Vision & Strategic Objectives

Now we understand the business context and the elements that make up the business – Business Entities’, we should look at where the company is going.  The vision statement defines the direction of a business. A vision is a defined corporate term however no matter how big or small a company is they all exist

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Business Entities

From Cells to Intelligent Life – Business Entities

From Cells to Intelligent Life – Business Entities What are these business entities you speak of? Well, these Business Entities’ are things that describe the key groups of information that a business requires to operate. BE’s are nouns and should be tangibles that exist.  Many businesses have an illusion that they are unique or different

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Business Context

The Big Bang – Business Context and Environment

Business Context and Environment Working as a contract business analyst for many years now, I have seen my fair share of different size and shaped businesses. As much as I think I have seen it all before there is always something that surprises me when I start working for a new client. Luckily one of

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